Tuesday 8 June 2010

Last Few Weeks

Today,I finish all work I needed to resubmit and I than sorted them out to put it in my portfolio. Also maura told the class that her last day is on Friday. This aint really good because we have 3 weeks left of college. However, Maura has been a good tutor and has made sure the class has finished their work so it is ok I guess :)

Monday 24 May 2010

Stressful Day

Today has been a stressful day, has I have had so much things on my mind. I also have alot of work to do which is building up has it is gettin to the end of the term.
Today was a hot sunny day so the day was been great so far but I still feel like I have so much to do in so little time.
My aim from now until the end of the term is to try my hardest, and not to give up (Y)

Tuesday 11 May 2010

HE Fair

On Wednesday, the whole of 1st year college had to come in for a higher education fair. This involved listening to a speaker and going around collect university prospects. We had a chance to ask questions and get a rough idea of what we what to do when we finished college. The higher education fair has helped me to know more about universitiess.
However, I not to sure of whch university I will go to but I hope I am going.

Monday 26 April 2010

Stressful Week

This week, I have been handed back to many assignments to re-submit or do. This is stressful because there are different dead lines for different teachers which doesn't give me enough time to rest.
To aviod this, I can put alot of effort into my work, so I don't get my work handed back and I can also spread out the amount of work I do n take rest every now and then.

Monday 29 March 2010

Review Day

On review day, I had to see my tutor so discuss how I am coping in college, I also got my report where I read through it and discuss what I can do to improve.
I felt that some things on my report were unfair.
Overall, the day went well, and my tutor gave me some advise how to improve :)

Sunday 14 March 2010

Key Skills Exam

On Friday the 12th, I had a key skills exam at 11.15.
The on day, I was late to my exam because I woke up late, but they still let me in the exam but I just got less time. however, I managed to finish all the tasks that were set, I also think I done well in the exam. I found the exam kind of easy but I just have to wait and see if I done good or not.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Catch Up Week

Catch up week is a week where all ict students don't come into college so we can catch up on work.
During catch up week, i didn't do no work because I didn't have nothing to catch up on. I felt like it was a wasted week as i could of came to college to learn more, but on the other side I thought it was good because I had another week to relax and get me away from my friends and stress.

3 Weeks Till Easter

There's 3 weeks till easter holiday and i'm more than half way through the course and I think i'm progressing well. However, I feel like I have alot of work building up which makes me a little bit stessed as I have other things like my hobbies to do.

Today, I got my unit 35 back which I have to improve as my M1 wasn't up to scratch.
Also, in tutor, my teacher gave us a folder where we can store all our work so at the end off the year. it is already sorted and ready to be sent off to the examiner.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

1 Week Holiday

During the 1 week holiday, I had to do pauls assignment that was due on Monday, However, I left the work until last minute and done it on sunday, this is only becuase I had many other things to do which made me forgot.

Tuesday 9 February 2010


On Friday, i had to present a presentation to Graeme.
My presentation was about counter measures.
In my presentation, i talks about I.D cards, back ups, locks, CCTV's, disaster recovery and symmetric and aymmetric.
We was filmed while doing our presentation so we can use the evidence for another unit with maura.

The things that went well in my presentation were:
> The presentation itself
> The information
> The images

The things that went bad in my presentation were:
> There was not enough information on my symmetric and aymmetric
> There wasn't a bibliography, so I had to add one in

Tuesday 12 January 2010


Today was a boring day for me, this is because I have no work to do has I have no more work to hand in.
As i am ahead of my work, I will keep updating blog and trying to do more work that hasn't been set so im futher ahead.

Friday 8 January 2010

New Years Resolution

My new years resolution is to try hand in assignments first time without it getting back to me to do improvements.
Also another new years resolution is to not get less than a merit in each assignment.

So far i have got back 2 assignments which needs basic improvements, hopfully by monday all of my assignment should be improved.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

SNOW !!!

On Wednesday, it snowed heavy which meant we had no college, because of this i couldn't attend my driving lesson. This didn't affect my college work because i normally have Wednesdays off.
On Thursday, I didnt come college because of the after affect of the snow from Wednesday.
Because I didn't come into college on Thursday, I did alot of work to make up of my absent.

Friday 1 January 2010

New Years

On new years, I stayed inside my house and celebrated with my family.On new years eve, I went to my friends house, where we celebrated new years and had a few soft drinks to drink. We had fun as we was dancing to music, and enjoying each others company.During the holiday, I have just been parting and haven't done no coursework as I have lost my USB. My new years revolution is to focus on my college work.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Assignments Due & Two Days Off

Basically, Most of my teachers have given back my work to improve which are due for next week so we are free for christmas holidays.
On Wednesday and Thursday, I have no college, so i am going to finish off my assignments.
The assignments i have to do are Communication and employablity skills for IT unit 1, E-commerce assignment 3 and Principles of Software Design and Development Task 3

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Too Many Assignment

This week I had to hand in 4 assignments. I only handed in 3 as one teacher gave us a longer extension as many of use didn't really understand what we had to do.
In unit 34 I got my assignment back which i wasn't hapoy with because maura gave me a instead on a M. H0owever, she said she will change to a m as she read it again and sae she made a mistake.
My aim this week is to finish all work this week.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Early Week

All this week of college, we have finished at 3.10pm so teachers can start our reviews, because we finish every, i go home straight away to do work so i don't fall behid on work.
so far i have 5 assignments to finish, hopfully ill get them done in time.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Free Lesson

Today, i only had 3 lessons because we had no tutor and my english teacher wasn't in. so in my free time i went to open acess to finish of some work, i found this useful because it doesn't put me behind schedule .

Friday 6 November 2009

Too Many Assignments

Since i have been back from half-term, alot of teachers are setting alot of assignments at the same time.
This is really stressfull because most of them are due for next week.
My aim is to get all my assignments on-time with great effort

Monday 2 November 2009

Party Hard

Over the weekend, i hardly done any work untill last minute, this is because i stayed over my cousins and went to a party where i DJ'ed at.
The party wasn't all that but i still had fun.
In my spare time i DJ/Produce Beats, by doing this i gets me out of trouble and keeps me focus.

My aim for this week is to hand in all my assignments on time