Friday 23 October 2009

Late !

Today, i missed a lesson, so i went to open access to do my work.
I started re-do the assignment for Graeme.

My Aims are to finish p1 and p2 for Maura.

Over the holidays i hope to finish assignments for Paul and Graeme.

Monday 19 October 2009

Long Day

Today, we got told we have to do an assignment by friday.
the assignment we have to do is unit 1 which is quite long.
my aim is to try get it hand in on time.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Today we had to finish off e-commerce assignment 1 before 4 o' clock because we have other work to do.
The assignment is due for friday, and i have nearly finished my assignment.
Hopfully, i will be done by tomorrow.
I feel that the assignment it long but easy, i feel like this because i understand what to do but we have to add so much detail.

My targets are:

  • To finish my assignment on time
  • To pass the D criteria

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Good Day

Today when i came into college, i found out that louis wasnt in :)
I then went to glades to have breakfast.
After break, i then found out my english teacher wasn't it (looks like God blessed me)
so i just stayed in glades and spoke to my friends has i done most of my work.
In period 3, we had tutor where we gas given our times for review day.
We was let out early as my teacher said the room needs another form in there, my teacher kept me back though because she thinks i need to work more :(
She then let me out to lunch where me and my friends went pizza shop :D
And now im here now in lesson, finishing writing this.

My target is to finsh my assignments on time