Tuesday 17 November 2009

Early Week

All this week of college, we have finished at 3.10pm so teachers can start our reviews, because we finish every, i go home straight away to do work so i don't fall behid on work.
so far i have 5 assignments to finish, hopfully ill get them done in time.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Free Lesson

Today, i only had 3 lessons because we had no tutor and my english teacher wasn't in. so in my free time i went to open acess to finish of some work, i found this useful because it doesn't put me behind schedule .

Friday 6 November 2009

Too Many Assignments

Since i have been back from half-term, alot of teachers are setting alot of assignments at the same time.
This is really stressfull because most of them are due for next week.
My aim is to get all my assignments on-time with great effort

Monday 2 November 2009

Party Hard

Over the weekend, i hardly done any work untill last minute, this is because i stayed over my cousins and went to a party where i DJ'ed at.
The party wasn't all that but i still had fun.
In my spare time i DJ/Produce Beats, by doing this i gets me out of trouble and keeps me focus.

My aim for this week is to hand in all my assignments on time