Tuesday 23 February 2010

1 Week Holiday

During the 1 week holiday, I had to do pauls assignment that was due on Monday, However, I left the work until last minute and done it on sunday, this is only becuase I had many other things to do which made me forgot.

Tuesday 9 February 2010


On Friday, i had to present a presentation to Graeme.
My presentation was about counter measures.
In my presentation, i talks about I.D cards, back ups, locks, CCTV's, disaster recovery and symmetric and aymmetric.
We was filmed while doing our presentation so we can use the evidence for another unit with maura.

The things that went well in my presentation were:
> The presentation itself
> The information
> The images

The things that went bad in my presentation were:
> There was not enough information on my symmetric and aymmetric
> There wasn't a bibliography, so I had to add one in